About Kinori

細工の細かな窓は、通りから見上げると艶っぽく、2階の窓の手摺りには、芸妓さんたちが腰掛けて、通る旅の人々に手招きしていた様子が今も見えるかのようです。中に入ると階段が3つあり、それぞれお客さんがお互いに顔を合わさず出入りできるよう作られていたとか。 そんな郡上八幡のかつての華やかな人々の出会いに想いを馳せながら、現代の町の人、アーティスト、お店の品々との出会いを楽しんで頂きたい、そんなお宿を作りました。
Gujo Hachiman is a medieval-era castle town, and long ago the neighborhood surrounding Kinori was situated in the pleasure quarters. The building itself is an elegant and finely crafted old machiya townhouse, with narrow balconies where geisha once perched on the handrails to beckon passers-by on the street below. It was constructed with three separate stairways, so that customers could avoid meeting each other in their comings and goings. While reminiscing on the colorful charm of old Gujo Hachiman, Kinori invites the modern traveler to enjoy an encounter with the townspeople, the local artists, and a variety of goods available in nearby shops.
Stay with Art and Culture.
Kinori is a
multi-use space.

泊まる旅の方、アート作品を見に来た方、ショップに買い物に来られた方、イベントに参加する方... いろんな方々の交差する宿です。1階にはショップとイベントスペース、無料で見られる「アートスペース離(はなれ)」。2階は宿泊スペースと、泊まった方だけが見れる「アートスペース間(ま)」があります。 14時から18時までのチェックインの時間帯は、1階にはいろんなお客さんが通りかかったり、イベントが開催されたり。よろしければ、ぜひ交流をお楽しみください。そして、18時から翌朝までは、1棟丸ごと、お泊まりのお客様だけの空間に。 町家に差し込む光と影で、刻一刻、表情を変えるアート作品と共に、ゆっくりとした時間をお過ごし下さい。
Kinori is a meeting point where lodgers, art enthusiasts,
and people who are shopping can all inter sect. On the first floor, a shop featuring local crafts, an event space, and an exhibition space are all open t o the public.
Accommodations are located on the second floor, as is another art space accessible only to lodgers. During the check-in time, from 2:00 to 6:00 pm, the first floor is open to the public and events may be held. Lodgers are also welcome to participate and interact. From 6:00 pm until the following morning, lodgers will have the whole building to themselves.
Take this time to appreciate the art, and the shifting patterns of sunlight and shadow that change with the hour of the day.
There are 3 rooms on the 2nd floor, both Japanese style and Western style. Each room can accommodate 2~3 people depending upon your preferred arrangement.
A unique style of accommodation

A common area is located between the guest rooms on the second floor, where you can make yourself at home preparing a pot of tea, reading a book, or enjoying the artworks on display. Forget for a moment that you are a tourist, and immerse yourself fully in the experience of machiya living.
Bathing area

The bathing area is a minimalist, stucco-walled room with plenty of natural light, a nd a porcelain tub deep enough to immerse your entire body. To help relieve the fatigue of your journey, we have prepared organic, locally-grown bath herbs. Please use them at your leisure.

Lodgers are we lcome to use the kitchen and refrigerator on the first floor. This kitchen was refinished by a Gujo artisan using traditional earthen plaster methods, and is a cozy place to gather and prepare a breakfast made from local ingredients.
Service / Amenity
To further enrich your experience, we provide some of the finest local products that Gujo has to offer.
Wi-Fi シャワー&浴槽 エアコン キッチン 食器・調理道具 オーブンレンジ ケトル お茶 冷蔵庫 シャンプー
ボディソープ化粧水 オーガニック
バスハーブドライヤー タオル 歯ブラシ ルームウェア 下駄 踊り浴衣 -
Service / Amenity
- Wi-Fi
- Shower & Bathtub
- Air Conditioner
- Kitchen
- Kitchenware & Tableware
- Microwave Oven
- Kettle
- Tea
- Refrigerator
- Shampoo Conditioner Body Soap
- Lotion
- Organic Bath Herbs
- Hairdryer
- Towel
- Toothbrush
- Room Wear
- Wooden Clogs
- Yukata
featuring Artist